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Application and Submission
I have already submitted my application. Can I make changes or edit my responses after submitting, if I do so before the application deadline?
No, all application submissions are final. Please carefully review your application before submitting to ensure you have included all necessary information and responses. If you have questions or need technical support with your application, please contact ysealiafp@umontana.edu before submitting your application.
If you have already submitted your application and your availability or technical eligibility has changed, please contact ysealiafp@umontana.edu immediately.
Can I submit more than one application?
No, you may only submit one application. If you have already submitted one application, do not attempt to re-apply using a different email address or other information. Multiple submissions from the same applicant will not be evaluated, only the first application submitted will be taken into consideration and evaluated.
If you have interest in more than one of the Fellowship themes, you will be asked to rank the themes in order of preference in your application. Selected Fellows will be assigned to one theme and assignments are subject to change, should it be deemed appropriate. Please note that you are unable to request specific U.S. Institutes.
I am not available to participate in the spring 2025 but I want to apply for the fall 2025 program. When will the application for the fall program open?
There will be only one application cycle per year for the YSEALI Academic Fellows Program. If you wish to participate in YSEALI AFP during any time in 2025, you must submit your application by 11:59 pm Mountain Daylight Time on October 3, 2024. This application form is for both spring and fall 2025, there will not be a separate application for the fall 2025 program.
I missed the application deadline, can I have an extension to apply?
Applications are due no later than 11:59 pm Mountain Daylight Time on October 3, 2024. There are many time zone converters available online, where you can confirm the deadline in your local time zone. One example is Time and Date. We are unable to offer any extensions beyond this date, but encourage you to apply in future years, and remain engaged with your local U.S. Embassy or Consulate to learn about other opportunities from the U.S. Department of State.
Eligibility and Selection
I am currently 17 years old. I will turn 18 after the application deadline, but before the start of the program. Am I eligible to apply?
No, you must be 18 years old at the time of the application deadline to be eligible to apply for the YSEALI Academic Fellows Program. No exceptions will be made for candidates younger than 18 years of age at the time of application deadline. We encourage you to apply in the future and remain engaged with your local U.S. Embassy or Consulate to learn about other opportunities from the U.S. Department of State.
If you have already submitted your application and your technical eligibility has changed, please contact ysealiafp@umontana.edu immediately.
I am currently 25 years old but will be 26 before the application deadline closes. Am I eligible to apply?
Yes. The YSEALI Academic Fellows Program is designed for participants between the ages of 18 and 25 at the time of the application deadline. However, exceptional candidates older than 25 years of age at the time of application may be considered if they meet all other eligibility requirements. Candidates over 25 are also encouraged to explore the YSEALI Professional Fellows Program.
What are eligible YSEALI countries?
YSEALI is open to young people from all Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member countries and Timor-Leste (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam and Timor-Leste). Please carefully review the entirety of the eligibility and selection criteria before beginning an application.
Eligible applicants must be both citizens and residents of one of the 11 eligible YSEALI countries. What do you mean by “resident?”
Your country of residence is the country where you currently live and have a physical address. You must live in one of the 11 eligible YSEALI countries in order to apply. Applicants may be citizens of one country and residents of another as long as both countries are included in the 11 eligible YSEALI countries.
I am a dual citizen of an eligible YSEALI country and the United States. Am I eligible to apply?
No, U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and green card holders are not eligible to apply under any circumstances.
I am a dual citizen of an eligible YSEALI country and another, non-ASEAN, non-U.S. country. Am I eligible to apply?
If you are a citizen AND resident of an eligible YSEALI country, you are eligible to apply. If you are a citizen of a YSEALI country but residing in a country that is NOT one of the eligible YSEALI countries, you are not eligible to apply.
If you are selected to participate, you must apply for your visa and travel to the U.S. using the passport from the eligible YSEALI country in which you hold citizenship.
I am a dual citizen of two eligible YSEALI countries. Am I eligible to apply? Which country should I apply under?
Yes, you are eligible to apply, if you are also a resident of an eligible YSEALI country. Please select both countries of citizenship in your application, and list your current permanent address as your residency.
I am unable to participate in YSEALI AFP, but I am a young ASEAN leader interested in learning more about the wider initiative. How can I get involved?
YSEALI AFP is just one of the programs under the umbrella of YSEALI opportunities. YSEALI offers many other opportunities for young leaders in the ASEAN region from 18-35 years old, including regional workshops, grant opportunities, and more. You can learn more about YSEALI here and can find other opportunities from the U.S. Department of State here.
I am not proficient in English. Can I participate in the Fellowship in another language?
No, the Fellowship will be conducted entirely in English. Applicants must be proficient in reading, writing, and spoken English. Applicants who are deaf should be proficient in American Sign Language (ASL).
Applications must be submitted in English. Applications submitted in another language will not be evaluated.
I have a disability. Am I eligible to apply? Why does the application ask if I have a disability?
Applicants with disabilities are eligible to apply.
What accommodations are provided for Fellows with disabilities during the program?
Each Fellow’s needs are requested and evaluated individually. If selected, reasonable accommodations will be provided to allow you to participate in all required Fellowship activities.
Please reach out to ysealiafp@umontana.edu if you have any specific questions or concerns regarding accommodations.
Will I be able to conduct personal travel during the program, or take time off to attend to my schoolwork, job, or other matters?
No, Fellows are required to be fully engaged during all activities and components of the program. This includes full attendance and participation in all sessions, events, site visits, cultural activities, and other scheduled activities.
Can I arrive early or remain late in the U.S., in order to conduct personal travel, visit family, or for other reasons?
No, roundtrip airfare will only be purchased for arrival on the first day of the program and departure on the last day of the program. Extending travel for personal reasons is not permitted.
Can I bring my family members with me to the U.S. if I am selected?
No, you may not bring any members of your family with you to the U.S.
I don’t currently have a valid passport. Will I need this to apply?
You do not need a valid passport to apply for the program. However, selected Fellows will need a passport valid through April 2026 from one of the eleven YSEASLI countries (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam and Timor-Leste) by January 31, 2025.
Do I need to pay for the program? What are the costs?
There is no fee to participate in the program. If you are selected as a Fellow, the U.S. Department of State will cover costs associated with your international travel, visa, and basic living costs in the U.S.