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The YSEALI Vision
The Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative Academic Fellows Program (YSEALI AFP) is a U.S. Department of State-sponsored program with funding provided by the U.S. Government and administered by the Mansfield Center at the University of Montana. This program is dedicated to developing leadership skills among youth in Southeast Asia, enhancing U.S.-Southeast Asia relations, and cultivating a network of leaders who collaborate across borders to address common challenges.
YSEALI AFP achieves its goals by bringing undergraduate students and recent graduates aged 18-25 from 11 Southeast Asian countries to the U.S. for a fully funded, five-week exchange at an American university or college. The program includes an academic residency, community service activities, an educational study tour, a closing workshop, and a Reciprocal Exchange that sends American participants to Southeast Asia.
Since its inception in 2013, YSEALI has been a comprehensive U.S. government initiative that includes educational exchanges, workshops, networking, project funding, and seminars. The Academic Fellowship component offers intensive academic experiences and leadership development, all while deepening participants' understanding of U.S. society, culture, values, and institutions.
Watch information sessions with YSEALI AFP alumni below!
YSEALI AFP at a Glance
